Cannabis is grabbing Texas by the horns! Over the past few years it has been a rollercoaster for the cannabis community. Our mission is providing a unforgettable experience to the farmers, vendors, sponsors, advocates and attendees.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • We will arrange time during the event to get footage with the person of your choice to represent the company and edit it into the recap with the name of the company & person.

    Also Largest logo at the end of the video.

  • It will be for a duration of roughly 10 - 15 minutes on stage. Great chance to get intimate with the crowd attending.

  • We will be having a gathering for all participants at a venue that will be hosted by the leading sponsor.

  • Throughout the event there will be a live stream showcasing the event. They will be interacting with the leading sponsors the longest.

  • Our team will create a post for your company to be presented onto all platforms.

    Along with that being placed on our website with the largest logo and a link to your website. We will be working with media outlets that will promote the event & sponsors.



In order to show our sponsors great gratitude, we will carry out the BEST Cannabis Event of 2022 in their name. This event will allow them to receive exposure for growth in their company. Connecting with trail blazing companies from all around Texas.

  • If unable to attend but would like to still be a leading sponsor, we can discuss other substitutes for this benefit

  • There will be a floor plan placed outside of the entrance, inside the venue, on social media and the website.

  • Our flyer will be pushed through many media outlets. Your logo will be on the that flyer to get exposure

  • We will arrange time during the event to get footage of your choice to represent the company and edit it into the recap with the name of the company & person. Also large logo at the end.

  • A T shirt designed by our graphic designer will have your logo placed on the back side of the shirts. Few of them will be passed out for free and the rest will be sold.

  • Your space will be sized out and empty ready for your set up. There will be multiple outlets with surge protectors.